Frequently asked questions


Hotel information

What are the check-in and check-out times? What are the check-in and check-out times?

In 3.00 pm, out 12.00 noon

(Mobile) check-in and check-out
Check in with your mobile phone, iPad or laptop at home or on your way here. The only thing left to do is collect the room key from one of the Citiez Hosts. Check-out has been simplified, so after handing in your room key, payment is settled automatically and the bill sent to your email address.

Is smoking allowed? Is smoking allowed?

Note that Citiez is a non-smoking hotel!


Our beautifully designed breakfast buffet serves only fresh, local products including fruits, fruit salad, organic yoghurt, tasty jams and premium cereals as well as Old Amsterdam Cheese and first class ham. Besides delicious bakery products, pastries and healthy, squeezed juices, we offer freshly brewed Barista Coffee by ‘Earth’ and a range of top quality organic teas. We do not serve any mass-prepared products like scrambled eggs and bacon.

Cash? Cash?

We accept most credit cards and debit cards. Please note that we do not accept cash!

Parking Parking

Parking in Parking Nieuw West is FREE of charge for our hotelguests!

Ironing board Ironing board

We have one available, somewhere... 

Can I cancel a reservation? Can I cancel a reservation?

Please check our cancellation policy during the booking process.

Payments Payments

Please check our payment policy during the booking process.

Cleaning and new towels Cleaning and new towels

We care about your wallet as well as the environment, which is why we give the rooms a thorough clean once you have checked out and a light clean during your stay. During your stay, towels will only be changed when necessary!

Free Wi-Fi Free Wi-Fi

There is free high speed Wi-Fi access throughout Citiez Hotel Amsterdam. 

More hotel information

All Day Café All Day Café

In our eatery shop, we sell a range of mouth-watering, fast and healthy food together with a selection of delicious coffees! We offer a wide range of drinks, salads and snacks, as well as a selection of useful items that might come in handy when you’re travelling. 

Late check-out/early check-in Late check-out/early check-in

You can usually check in slightly earlier or check out later. Ask our Citiez Hosts about availability.

Pets are not allowed Pets are not allowed

Please note that there are no pets allowed at the hotel. Service and guide dogs, however, are allowed and can stay for free.

Safe & luggage Safe & luggage

There’s a small safe in every room. Luggage can be stored free of charge.

Open Open

We are open 24/7